
Deep Assessment

What is your problem?


Deep Assessment is a fast, focused evaluation sprint that reveals the strengths and weaknesses of your technology organization. It takes only a few weeks, and produces a detailed view into your ways of working.

What gets assessed?

Deep Assessment focuses on 6 aspects:

  • Overall IT Performance
  • Culture & Organization 
  • Design & Architecture
  • Build & Deploy
  • Testing & Verification
  • Information & Reporting

How do we do this?

We engage the senior experts in Kloia to examine different aspects of your technology organization with the following activities:

  • Value-stream mapping workshops
  • Interviews
  • Diary studies
  • Continuous Delivery Maturity Model Assessment
  • Architectural Assessment
  • Code Quality Assessment
  • Distributed Architectures 
  • Microservices
  • Event Sourcing
  • Surveys

What do you get?

Within a few weeks, we create a detailed overview with suggestions to move forward.

  1. IT organization overview
  2. State of the architecture and the tech stack
  3. Opportunities & Potential Gains, including workflow changes
  4. Tensions & Conflicts
  5. Suggested next steps

Contact us for a sample report

What does it cost?

Based on your complexity, Deep Assessment typically takes between 20 man-days to 60 man-days. We aim to finalize this phase ASAP to progress on engineering phase.

How can I start?